Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Challenge 1: How to capture Moving Subjects in Low Light?

I am starting this new topic with the title CHALLENGE where I will be discussing the issues I faced multiple times while photographing and still looking for the answers... So it is your time to educate me if you have a solution... I am open for comments.

I always faced big challenges while capturing ongoing action in a stadium. Two big obstacles:
1. Objects are constantly moving... so the shutter speed should be fastest to freeze the action but it will not allow enough light to get in.
2. Light is anyway low... since they are far.. can't use the flash.                                                                      

Sunday, January 29, 2012

FAQ 3: Comparisons between Nikon's 'Consumer DSLR' Models?

People ask me this question a lot: What is the difference between entry level (D3000, D3100), upper entry level (D5000, D5100) and mid-range (D7000, D90) Nikon models?

Here is my answer in four main points... (Keeping in mind that people would like to have bird's-eye view rather than going into the technicalities.

Friday, January 27, 2012

FAQ 2: What to buy? 'Point-n-shoot' vs. DSLR

It really depends upon your preferences:

1. Are you looking for a compact one which can fit in your pocket or purse? Easy to hold, carry and use... Go for Compact size 'point-n-shoot'... DSLRs are mostly bulky. 

2. Are you looking for an awesome zoom? There are big zoom 'point-n-shoot' cameras in the market which gives you enough zoom that a DSLR provides. But DSLR's clarity is of no match. If you need great zoom and are not very particular about the quality and controls then go for big zoom 'point-n-shoot'. To get all zoom levels in DSLR... you have to buy multiple lenses which will be expensive.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Case Study 7: White Balance - Fluorescent

Spot the difference?

I am not asking you to play a game and spot 10 differences between these two pictures :)

This is an example of White Balancing... As you can figure out, I was in Fort Worth Stock Yards at 6:24 PM to be very precise. I am talking about DUSK time after Sunset when there is little bit light in the sky and it is still blue.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Case Study 6: Light Trails with a Firecracker

This is the longest 'shutter speed' shot I have taken till date... I took this one in Manual Mode with set shutter speed and aperture.

Exif data: Shutter Speed: 8 Sec | Aperture: f/11 | ISO: 200 | Focal Length: 28mm