Friday, December 28, 2012

Article 1: Click Images Not Pics

Around 50% posts on Facebook are photo updates and most of them are random clicks. I urge all my readers to follow these four points and click images not pics.

Point 1. Right Setup:
Photography is all about capturing moments on digital frames. All those moments are around us all the time... you should invest sometime setting up things for the desired frame. 

Scenario 1. You have made a new dish for dinner and want to share it with friends. Make sure to decorate your plate well, put props like spoons and forks next to the plate, remove unwanted things from the frame etc. Click here for more examples.

Scenario 2. You want to click images of your kid when he/she is doing some activity. Take a moment, think about props like colorful toys or clothing and add them to the frame. Most important things is to have his/her attention. Make sure to engage them so that he/she smiles and looks right at the camera lens. Click here for more examples.